How KFTD Prevents Corruption from Lower to Top Management

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group is dedicated to upholding integrity. This is manifested through a corporate culture that is firmly committed to ethical conduct and free from corruption across all areas of its operations. KFTD’s commitment extends to its workforce and top management, ensuring adherence to ethical standards and the avoidance of corrupt practices, collusion, and nepotism.

The board of directors and senior management at KFTD exemplify ethical behavior. They serve as role models to their subordinates and thereby reinforce the company’s commitment to integrity. 

In addition to fostering a culture of integrity, KFTD employs several practical measures to combat bribery and corruption within its work environment, as outlined below:

Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Principles

KFTD adheres to the principles of good corporate governance (GCG) in a thorough and structured manner. These principles encompass transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, equality, and fairness. All employees are responsible for upholding GCG principles, with the objective of controlling risks associated with potential violations.

Adherence to ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System

To prevent corruption rigorously, KFTD has achieved certification under the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System. This certification aids KFTD in preventing, detecting, and managing bribery within the organization. The ISO 37001:2016 policy mandates compliance with its anti-bribery clauses for all KFTD leaders and employees.

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct

Implementing the Code of Conduct (COC) underscores KFTD’s commitment to conducting its activities with the highest integrity. The COC prioritizes the organization’s interests over personal or group interests. Proper adherence to the COC by all employees, from top management to lower levels, is instrumental in mitigating bribery and corruption risks within KFTD.

Adherence to Risk Management Guidelines

KFTD applies structured and consistent risk management guidelines to minimize potential threats that could jeopardize the company. These guidelines are designed to align with good corporate governance practices to prevent corruption across all levels of the organization.

In summary, KFTD’s comprehensive measures to prevent corruption and bribery encompass a commitment to ethical behavior, good governance and risk management practices, and compliance with internationally recognized standards. These efforts regulate conduct across the organization, from the board of directors and senior management to all employees.